Sunday 13 April 2008

Personal loans handed out without checks

The deepening credit crisis is driving up the cost of taking out a loan, despite the cuts in the Bank of England base rate. Yet lenders are still failing to carry out proper checks to make sure that borrowers are able to repay them.
The average rate on a three-year £5,000 unsecured personal loan has risen from 8.2% to 9.9% in the past year, adding about £300 to the cost, according to financial data provider Moneyfacts.
But this has not deterred borrowers. Bank of England figures for February show that new consumer credit rose by £2.4bn. In January that figure rose by £900m.
Alarmingly, many of these loans are being taken out without lenders seeking proof of borrowers' income, credit experts say.
According to price comparison service, only 30% of loan applicants in the past 12 months were asked to prove how much they earn.
And 45% of consumers taking out an unsecured loan did so with a company other than their own bank. This leaves the lender with comparatively little information about the person's ability to manage debt.
Moira Haynes of Citizens Advice is critical of this 'loose' lending. Even in these troubled times two out of three borrowers don't need to prove their salary. 'We see far too much evidence of people having been lent money where it was clear from the start that they would not be in a position to repay it,' she says. 'We have repeatedly called on lenders to carry out thorough checks and it is imperative that this is done.'
Mike Naylor of agrees: 'With more than 7,716 loan repayments being missed every day and record write-offs, you might think that lenders had learnt their lesson.'
The British Bankers' Association last week announced changes to the Banking Code that include a commitment to 'responsible lending-It also promised more help for consumers who fall into financial difficulties.
Following the changes, which took effect from March 31, all lenders will have to carry out a compulsory check with a credit reference agency when consumers apply for credit. They will also have to check either the applicant's income and financial commitments, or how they have handled their finances in the past or carry out a credit scoring process.

Personal loans: What you need to know...
Though personal loan rates have gone up - since January the average overall rate for all sizes of loan has risen from 10.6% to 11.4% - attractive deals are still available for those who look carefully.
Online price comparison services give details of the most competitive deals on the market, though be aware that lenders will normally offer the best rates only to borrowers with an excellent credit record.
Although your bank or building society may be the first to offer you a loan, do not assume it is the best deal as the rates available from different providers can vary wildly.
For example, for someone taking out a £5,000 loan over three years, Co-op Bank has a personal rate of 9.9%, available to the 'lowest risk' customers, while Bank of Scotland's best rate is 9.3%.
In contrast, Barclaycard charges 6.8% on a three-year £5,000 loan while charges 6.9%. For those with a very good credit record, consumer-to-consumer lender Zopa has the best rate at 6.6%.
Borrowers unsure about their credit rating should check their credit record with one of the major credit reference agencies such as Equifax or Experian.
Price comparison website has a 'Smart Search' facility provided by Equifax, which estimates customers' credit scores and then shows which loans they are likely to be accepted for.

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